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Miscellaneous Pattern Analyses

Employing spreadsheet data analysis, similar to, but different than, forensic accounting, a person’s Spending Patterns can be found by combining data from credit card statements, bank statements, and checks and relate observations as to when spending patterns may begin to change.

Another type of miscellaneous pattern analysis is what FFD calls “solving the paper puzzle”; (i.e.,  determining whether paper fragments can be pieced together in order to establish whether or not they are from a single piece of paper).

Miscellaneous Pattern Analyses

Employing spreadsheet data analysis, similar to, but different than, forensic accounting, I report a person’s Spending Patterns by combining data from credit card statements, bank statements, and checks and relate observations as to when spending patterns may begin to change.

Another type of miscellaneous pattern analysis is what I call “solving the paper puzzle”; i.e. determining whether paper fragments can be pieced together in order to establish whether or not they are from a single piece of paper.

Miscellaneous Pattern Analyses

Employing spreadsheet data analysis, similar to, but different than, forensic accounting, I report a person’s Spending Patterns by combining data from credit card statements, bank statements, and checks and relate observations as to when spending patterns may begin to change.

Another type of miscellaneous pattern analysis is what I call “solving the paper puzzle”; i.e. determining whether paper fragments can be pieced together in order to establish whether or not they are from a single piece of paper.

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